This is a picture from Lauren Greenfield's Fast Forward, which dealt with life in the shadow of hollywood. The woman with the bandages is the main subject and is framed by the balloons on the left and the man on her right. The man appears to be her husband by the way they are sitting. The balloon and the husband are wearing similar colors in similar spots, which makes the framing very nice, maybe implying an extension of him. The pool completes the color similarity by being the man's blue shorts. The two woman in the photograph seem to be kind of unhappy or at least kind of bored, which is odd because this seems like a scene out of a pool party. Also the juxtaposition of the woman on the left who is alone and looks kind of frumpy and the woman with bandages who has a man beside her and nicer clothing on could be a commentary on cosmetic surgery being viewed as more beautiful.
The thing that first grabs my attention is the woman with the bandages on her face. At first I thought she was a victim of domestic abuse, however I realized that she had had cosmetic surgery. That could be hinting at the idea that cosmetic surgery is a symptom of social abuse to the self image of people. The symmetry of the man next to her and the colors of the balloons and the pool, along with her body language, which is trying to not to take up too much space, makes her feel claustrophobic.
The theme of this photograph seems to be how common place cosmetic surgery is here. Where I am from if someone had a bandage on their face like that someone would probably assume they had gotten injured in an accident and ask why they were out at a party they weren't seeming to enjoy. The party does not seem to be too fun for both of the women in the photo, however the man seems to be enjoying himself just fine.
I am pretty sure this photograph was created to at least imply that the beauty standard that is prevalent in hollywood applies mostly to women and men reap the benefits. This is not only backed up by the uninterested, almost bored looks of the women, but the banal dress of the man, and the sheer unattractiveness of him show that clearly the women put much more effort into themselves than he does.